// Copyright (c) 2009 All Right Reserved
// Stephen Toub
// stoub@microsoft.com
// 2009-01-01
// Contains ...
// Class to represent an entire track in a MIDI file.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using LargoCommon.Abstract;
using LargoCommon.Music;
namespace LargoCommon.Midi
/// Represents a single MIDI track in a MIDI file.
public sealed class MidiTrack : IMidiTrack
/// Collection of MIDI event added to this track.
private readonly MidiEventCollection events;
#region Fields
/// Musical metric.
private MusicalMetric metric;
#region Constructors
/// Initializes a new instance of the MidiTrack class.
public MidiTrack() {
this.Metric = new MusicalMetric(1, 0);
//// Create the buffer to store all event information
this.events = new MidiEventCollection();
//// We don't yet have an end of track marker, but we want one eventually.
this.RequireEndOfTrack = true;
/// Initializes a new instance of the MidiTrack class.
/// Collection of midi events.
public MidiTrack(MidiEventCollection collection) {
Contract.Requires(collection != null);
this.Metric = new MusicalMetric(1, 0);
this.events = collection;
//// We don't yet have an end of track marker, but we want one eventually.
this.RequireEndOfTrack = true;
if (!this.HasEndOfTrack) {
this.events.Add(new MetaEndOfTrack(0));
#region Public properties
/// Gets or sets the metric.
/// The metric.
public MusicalMetric Metric {
get {
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null);
if (this.metric == null) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Metric is null.");
return this.metric;
set => this.metric = value ?? throw new ArgumentException("Metric cannot be set null.", nameof(value));
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is selected.
/// Returns true if this instance is selected; otherwise, false.
public bool IsSelected { [UsedImplicitly] get; set; }
/// Gets or sets name of the collection.
/// Property description.
public string Name { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets BarDivision.
/// Property description.
public int BarDivision { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets instrument.
/// Property description.
public byte InstrumentNumber { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets Channel.
/// Property description.
public MidiChannel Channel { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets Channel.
/// Property description.
public byte Staff { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets Channel.
/// Property description.
public byte Voice { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets instrument.
/// Property description.
public MusicalOctave Octave { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets instrument.
/// Property description.
public MusicalBand BandType { get; set; }
/// Gets a value indicating whether an end of track event has been added.
/// Property description.
public bool HasEndOfTrack {
get {
// Determine whether the last event is an end of track event
if (this.Events.Count >= 1) {
return this.events.ElementAt(this.Events.Count - 1) is MetaEndOfTrack; //// LastOrDefault()
return false;
/// Gets Sequence.
/// Property description.
public CompactMidiStrip Sequence { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets Number.
/// Property description.
public int TrackNumber { [UsedImplicitly] get; set; }
/// Gets a value indicating whether IsEmpty.
/// Property description.
public bool IsEmpty => this.Events.Count <= 2;
/// Gets a value indicating whether this instance has tones.
/// True if this instance has tones; otherwise, false.
public bool HasTones {
get {
if (this.Events.Count == 0) {
return false;
return (from ev in this.Events
where ev != null
let eventType = ev.EventType
where eventType == "VoiceNoteOn"
select (VoiceNoteOn)ev).Any();
/// Gets a value indicating whether IsMelodic.
/// Property description.
public bool IsMelodic {
get {
if (this.Events.Count == 0) {
return false;
return (from ev in this.Events
where ev != null
let eventType = ev.EventType
where eventType == "VoiceNoteOn"
select (VoiceNoteOn)ev).Any(eventOn => eventOn.Channel != MidiChannel.DrumChannel);
/// Gets a value indicating whether IsRhythmical.
/// Property description.
public bool IsRhythmical {
get {
//// Contract.Requires(this.Events != null);
if (this.Channel == MidiChannel.DrumChannel) {
return true;
if (this.Events.Count == 0) {
return false;
return (from ev in this.Events
where ev != null
let eventType = ev.EventType
where eventType == "VoiceNoteOn"
select (VoiceNoteOn)ev).Select(eventOn => eventOn.Channel == MidiChannel.DrumChannel).FirstOrDefault();
/// Gets MusicalTempo.
/// Property description.
public int Tempo {
get {
if (this.events == null || this.events.Count == 0) {
return 0;
foreach (var tempo in from ev in this.events
where ev != null
let eventType = ev.EventType
where eventType == "MetaTempo"
select ((MetaTempo)ev).Tempo
into tempo
where tempo > 0
select tempo) {
return tempo;
return (int)MusicalTempo.Tempo120;
#region Event properties
/// Gets properties and their values.
/// Property description.
public MidiEventCollection Events {
get {
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null);
if (this.events == null) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection of events is null.");
return this.events;
/// Gets the melodic instrumentation events.
/// Property description.
public IList MelodicInstrumentationEvents {
get {
if (this.Events.Count == 0) {
return null;
var list = new List();
foreach (var ev in this.Events) {
if (ev == null) {
var eventType = ev.EventType;
switch (eventType) {
case "VoiceProgramChange":
list.Add(ev as VoiceProgramChange);
//// resharper default: break;
return list;
/// Gets MelodicInstrumentNumber.
/// Property description.
public MidiMelodicInstrument FirstMelodicInstrumentInEvents {
get {
if (this.Events.Count == 0) {
return 0;
byte melInstrNum = 0;
//// long deltaTime = 0L; int channel = 0;
foreach (var ev in this.Events) {
if (ev == null) {
var eventType = ev.EventType;
switch (eventType) {
case "VoiceProgramChange":
melInstrNum = ((VoiceProgramChange)ev).Number;
//// // deltaTime = ev.StartTime;
//// // channel = ((ProgramChange)ev).Channel;
//// resharper default: break;
if (melInstrNum > 0) {
//// sometimes Program Changes more time before beginning, according to channels
//// midi format 0 not supported
//// if (melInstrumentNum > 0 && (deltaTime > 0 || channel == this.Number)) { return melInstrumentNum; }
return (melInstrNum > 0) ? (MidiMelodicInstrument)melInstrNum : (MidiMelodicInstrument)1;
/// Gets MelodicInstrumentNumber.
/// Property description.
public MidiRhythmicInstrument FirstRhythmicInstrumentInEvents {
get {
if (this.Events.Count == 0) {
return 0;
byte instrNum = 0;
//// long deltaTime = 0L; int channel = 0;
foreach (var ev in this.Events) {
if (ev == null) {
var eventType = ev.EventType;
switch (eventType) {
case "VoiceNoteOn":
if (ev is VoiceNoteOn eventOn && eventOn.Channel == MidiChannel.DrumChannel) {
instrNum = eventOn.Note;
//// resharper default: break;
if (instrNum > 0) {
return (instrNum > 0) ? (MidiRhythmicInstrument)instrNum : (MidiRhythmicInstrument)1;
/// Gets MelodicInstrumentNumber.
/// Property description.
public MidiChannel FirstChannelInEvents {
get {
if (this.Events.Count == 0) {
return 0;
var melChannel = (MidiChannel)16;
//// long deltaTime = 0L; int channel = 0;
foreach (var ev in this.Events) {
if (ev == null) {
var eventType = ev.EventType;
switch (eventType) {
case "VoiceProgramChange":
melChannel = ((VoiceProgramChange)ev).Channel;
case "VoiceNoteOn":
melChannel = ((VoiceNoteOn)ev).Channel;
//// resharper default: break;
if ((byte)melChannel < 16) {
//// sometimes Program Changes more time before beginning, according to channels (midi format 0 not supported)
//// if (melInstrumentNum > 0 && (deltaTime > 0 || channel == this.Number)) { return melInstrumentNum; }
if ((byte)melChannel == 16) {
melChannel = MidiChannel.C15;
return melChannel;
#region Private properties
/// Gets a value indicating whether end of track marker is required for writing out the entire track.
/// Note that MIDI files require an end of track marker at the end of every track.
/// Setting this to false could have negative consequences.
/// Property description.
private bool RequireEndOfTrack { get; }
/// Assign To Sequence.
/// Midi sequence.
public void AssignToSequence(CompactMidiStrip sequence) {
this.Sequence = sequence;
#region Events
/// Exists any event voice.
/// The given channel.
/// Returns value.
public bool ExistsAnyEventVoice(MidiChannel givenChannel) {
return (from ev in this.Events
let vev = ev as VoiceEvent
where vev != null && vev.Channel == givenChannel
select 1).Any();
/// Adds the event voice clones.
/// The given events.
/// The given channel.
public void AddEventVoiceClones(IEnumerable givenEvents, MidiChannel givenChannel) {
Contract.Requires(givenEvents != null);
// ReSharper disable once LoopCanBePartlyConvertedToQuery
foreach (var ev in from ev in givenEvents
let vev = ev as VoiceEvent
where (vev == null) || vev.Channel == givenChannel
orderby ev.StartTime //// DeltaTime
select ev) {
if (ev == null) {
/// Shift Events To Start.
public void ShiftEventsToStart() {
Contract.Requires(this.Events != null && this.Events.Count > 0);
if (this.Events.Count == 0) {
var firstToneEvent = (from ev in this.Events
where ev != null
let eventType = ev.EventType
where eventType == "VoiceNoteOn"
select ev).FirstOrDefault();
if (firstToneEvent == null) {
if (this.Events.Count > 0) {
if (firstToneEvent.StartTime <= 0) {
if (this.Events.Count > 0) {
//// 2013/10
//// if (this.Events.Count > 0) { this.Events.RecomputeDeltaTimes(); }
/// Trim given sequence to given total time.
/// Midi sequence.
/// Total time.
public void TrimTo(CompactMidiStrip newSequence, long totalTime) {
Contract.Requires(newSequence != null);
Contract.Requires(this.Events.Count > 0);
if (newSequence == null || this.Events == null || this.Events.Count == 0) {
//// Create a new track in the new sequence to match the old track in the old sequence
var newTrack = new MidiTrack();
//// Convert all times in the old track to deltas
if (this.Events.Count > 0) {
//// Copy over all events that fell before the specified time
for (var i = 0; i < this.Events.Count; i++) {
var evi = this.Events.ElementAt(i);
if (evi == null) {
if (evi.StartTime > totalTime) {
//// 2013/10
///// Convert all times back (on both new and old sequence;
//// the new one inherited the totals)
//// this.Events.RecomputeDeltaTimes();
//// newTrack.Events.RecomputeDeltaTimes();
// If the new track lacks an end of track, add one
if (!newTrack.HasEndOfTrack) {
newTrack.Events.Add(new MetaEndOfTrack(0));
#region Saving the Track
/// Write the track to the output stream.
/// The output stream to which the track should be written.
public void Write(Stream outputStream) {
// Validate the stream
if (outputStream == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(outputStream));
if (!outputStream.CanWrite) {
throw new MidiParserException("Cannot write to stream.", 0);
//// Make sure we have an end of track marker if we need one
if (!this.HasEndOfTrack && this.RequireEndOfTrack) {
this.events.Add(new MetaEndOfTrack(0));
//// throw new MidiParserException("The track cannot be written until it has an end of track marker.",0);
//// Get the event data and write it out
using (var memStream = new MemoryStream()) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.events.Count; i++) {
var me = this.events.ElementAt(i);
//// Tack on the header and write the whole thing out to the main stream
var header = new MidiTrackChunkHeader(memStream.ToArray());
//// memStream.Dispose();
#region Playing Midi Lines
/* 2018/09
/// Plays an individual MIDI track.
/// The MIDI division to use for playing the track.
public void PlayTrack(int givenDivision) {
// Wrap the track in a sequence and play it
var tempSequence = new CompactMidiStrip(0, givenDivision);
#region To String
/// Writes the track to a string in human-readable form.
/// A human-readable representation of the events in the track.
public override string ToString() {
string s;
//// Create a writer, dump to it, return the string
using (var writer = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) {
s = writer.ToString();
//// writer.Dispose();
return s;
/// Dumps the MIDI track to the writer in human-readable form.
/// The writer to which the track should be written.
private void ToString(TextWriter writer) {
if (this.Events == null || this.Events.Count == 0) {
//// Validate the writer
if (writer == null) {
//// Print out each event
this.Events.ForAll(midiEvent => writer.WriteLine(midiEvent.ToString()));
/* Unused
#region Private utilities
/// Read Time Signature.
private void ReadTimeSignature() {
if (this.Events.Count == 0) {
foreach (var ev in this.Events) {
if (ev == null) {
var eventType = ev.EventType;
switch (eventType) {
case "MetaTimeSignature":
var ts = (MetaTimeSignature)ev;
this.Metric.MetricBeat = ts.Numerator;
this.Metric.MetricBase = ts.Denominator;
return; //// Avoid multiple or conditional return statements.
//// resharper default: break;
// do the default action